Covid-19 Policy
February 2022
Your child must take a LFD test and have a negative result before attending their session if they:
Have a new and continuous cough; a temperature of more than 37.7 degrees and/or have experienced a loss of or change to sense of taste or smell.
Has cold-like symptoms; runny nose, headache, sneezing, sore throat or loss of smell.
If your child has any of the above COVID-19 symptoms and the LFD is positive you must follow these steps:
Your child is advised to stay at home and isolate until a negative LFD result is taken on two consecutive days.
After a negative test on two consecutive days, your child may return to their club.
All workspaces will be cleaned before the session and hygiene will be maintained during the session.
Hand gel pumps will be available at the entrance for the children to use if they choose as they arrive and leave.​​​
Children will be expected to come into and leave their club one at a time.
2m tables are now shared between 2 children at a 1m distance from other tables, in the large open spaces from which we run the clubs.
When collecting you should wait outside at a safe distance from other parents until your child is brought to you.​
The sessions will continue ONLINE in the event of a lockdown.
All equipment will be cleaned before the session and hygiene will be maintained during the session.
Hand gel pumps will be stationed at the entrance for use as you arrive and leave.​
Nappy changes should be done in the designated baby change facility and not in the session​
Parents and carers are invited to wear face coverings, but it is not mandatory.
With younger children it is accepted that it is much more difficult to ensure social distancing. In order to maintain safe distances in our sessions, we will have restricted numbers and the layout of our sessions are adapted accordingly.
Please DO NOT attend if you have any symptoms of Covid-19.
Tables will be 2m apart and we’ve capped the number of people in the workshop at 10 for the moment.
Tables and equipment will be sanitised before the workshop.
You can now share your table with whomever you choose.
Masks can be worn throughout the workshop, but not mandatory.
Upon entry you can sanitise your hands if you wish with the sanitiser provided, which will also be available for use as needed during the evening.
For the moment we will not be providing food or drink, but please feel free to bring your own, bearing in mind that we can't provide glasses, mugs or plates.’.
If you test positive for Covid-19 within 10 days of attending the workshop, please inform us immediately.
We will review and update our protocols as government guidance dictates.